Road Accidents Pose Biggest Threat Overseas
This past weekend, 26 Boston University students studying in New Zealand were involved in a fatal three-vehicle collision. Sadly, three of those students lost their lives in the tragic accident, while one of the student drivers was air lifted to a hospital for treatment of life-threatening injuries. As reported in the Huffington Post,
The school said 26 students were traveling in three vans on their way to walk the Tongariro Crossing, a hike across a volcanic crater that is rated as one of New Zealand’s most spectacular. One of the minivans drifted to the side of the road around 7:30 a.m., then rolled when the driver tried to correct course near the North Island vacation town of Taupo, New Zealand police said….Study abroad program executive director Bernd Widdig called the deaths were the worst tragedy to hit the program since it began in the 1980s.”
More than any other cause of injury or fatality, road accidents pose the biggest threat to American travelers. According to a USA Today analysis: Read More »